Guerlain Ecrin 6 Couleurs REVIEW & MAKEUP

Am promis un review si un machiaj facut cu paleta de farduri primita de sarbatori…asadar va scriu primele impresii si cateva cuvinte despre ea. 

I’ve promissed to review and use the eyeshadow palette I’ve received during the holidays….so I’m writing you my firsts thoughts about it. DSC_2029 blog

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Se numeste Ecrin 6 Couleurs  de la Guerlain ( Precious Eyeshadows, Tailored Harmonies), nr. 93 -“Rue de Passy”

It’s called Ecrin 6 Couleurs from Guerlain (Precious Eyeshadows, Tailored Harmonies), nr. 93- “Rue de Passy”

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De obicei, ambalajul e cel care imi fura ochii, pentru ca pe langa calitatea produsului, Guerlain surprinde intotdeauna prin cutiute si pot-uri unice. Ca si orice produs high-end, paleta vine intr-un saculet de velur negru, inscriptionat Guerlain, pentru a proteja cutia de sgarieturi. Cele 6 farduri sunt pozitionate intr-o cutie metalica argintie, taiata cu laserul intr-o forma filigran. E un ambalaj sofisticat, luxos, prevazut cu o oglinda si o pensula cu 2 capete. Imi place faptul ca e chiar utilizabila pensula. avand in vedere ca in general, astfel de palete vin cu aplicatori de tip buretel, cu care nu faci mare lucru. La un capat este pensula plata, iar la celalat, pensula de blending! 


Usually, the package is the one who steals my eyes, because in addition to product quality, Guerlain always captures the unique boxes and pots. Like any high-end product, the palette comes in a black velvet pouch, engraved Guerlain to protect the box from scratching. The 6 eye shadows are placed in a metal box silver laser cut into a form watermark. It’s a sophisticated package, luxuriously equipped with a mirror and a brush with two heads. I like the fact it’s even an usable brush. considering that in general such blades come with sponge applicators type, which do not help much. At one end is flat brush, and on the other, blending brush!

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Sunt 6 farduri in nuante fumurii, o colectie de culori neutre reci.  Se poate realiza atat un machiaj de seara, intens, cat si unul natural de zi. Include: un bej pal neutru cu finish mat, un bej mediu rece (nuanta cafea cu lapte) tot cu finish mat. Imi aduc aminte perfect de cele doua nuante mate din paleta Naked 2. Nuanta din dreapta jos e un maro satinat, care ramane tot in categoria fardurilor neutre. Fardul din dreapta sus e un gri antracit, cu reflexe burgundy, iar cel mai inchis un gri carbune satinat si luminos. Nuanta centrala e un roz iridiscent cu finish metalic pentru a da luminozitate unghiului intern si osului arcadei. Am folosit-o cu varfurile degetelor si pentru a ilumina osul pometilor, arata la fel de bine.  Toate sunt foarte pigmentate si se potrivesc oricarei culori a ochilor. E o paleta versatila, cu care se poate obtine atat un machiaj de tip smokey eyes (pornind cu griul antracit la baza pleoapelor si mergand in sus prin degrade in culori mai deschise), cat si unul de zi, folosind acel maro taupe si fardurile bej mate.


There are 6 shades, a collection of cold neutral colors. It can perform both, an intense evening makeup and a naturally one for day time. Includes: a pale neutral beige with matte finish, a cold beige (shade coffee with milk) same matte finish. These two, remember me perfectly the two matte shadows from the Naked 2 palette. Bottom right shade is a brown satin, which still remains in the neutral makeup category. Top right shadow is an anthracite gray with burgundy reflections, and there is also a darker charcoal gray, satin finish. Iridescent pink shade plant is a metallic finish, made to add brightness to the inner corner eye and arch bone. I used it also with the fingertips to illuminate the cheek bone, looks so good. All are very pigmented and match any color of the eyes. It’s a versatile palette, so can be used to get that sultry smokey eyes makeup type (starting with anthracite gray at the base of the eyelid and going up through the gradient in lighter colors) or for a day time makeup, using that brown taupe and matte beiges.

Swatch without flash and with flash:20150123_144757


Rezistenta: Le-am incercat fara primer, folosind doar un creion kohl si au rezistat fara sa se stranga in pliul ochiului timp de 4 ore. Eu am pleoapele care devin uleioase dupa cateva ore, deci e indicat un primer inainte de orice fard. Cred totusi ca pe ochii fara asemenea probleme, ajung sa reziste pana la 6 ore fara sa se adune si fara primer.

Resistance: I’ve tried to aplly it without primer, using only a kohl pencil and resisted without gather in eye crease for 4 hours. My eyelids become oily after a few hours, so it indicated a primer before any makeup. I still think on the eyes without such problems, would come to resist smoothly, even 6h without priming.

Minus: Daca ar fii sa v-o recomand, as spune: “da, merita din punct de vedere al calitatii produsului, al unicitatii, al versatilitatii in folosire”. Singurul minus care il gasesc este pretul, destul de piperat pentru 6 culori, aproximativ 70 euro.  Dar daca sunteti in cautarea acelor produse care odata scoase din geanta pentru retus, sa lase lumea “woooww, ce e aia?!” sau va place (ca si mie) sa colectionati, da, merita! 😉

Minus: If I would have to recommend it to you, I would say: “yes, it is worth in terms of product quality, the uniqueness, the versatility of use”. The only minus is the price which I find “too salty” for 6 colors, 70 euros. But if you are looking for those products that once out of the bag for retouch, to leave the world “woooww, what is that ?!” or you love to collect (like me), yes, it worths! 😉

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Acesta este machiajul realizat de mine folosind paleta, daca va place si vreti un pas cu pas, scrieti-mi in comentarii si rezolvam 😀 Un smokey eye intens, folosindu-ma in principal de cele 2 nuante mai inchise din paleta, fata conturata cu ajutorul unui bronzer si buze nude. 

This is the makeup made by me using the palette, if you love and want a step by step, write me in the comments and I’ll do a post showing it 😀 I went for an intense smokey eye, mainly using the 2 darker shades, a strong face contour using a bronzer and nude lips.





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