Buna din nou, dragelor     /     Hello again, my dears

Asa cum va spuneam ieri, revin astazi cu un nou tutorial step by step pentru un machiaj festiv. Ne apropiem de 31 si e mare valva cu alegerea rochiei, a coafurii, retusarea unghiilor etc. Dar la make-up v-ati gandit? In ultima postare v-am sugerat o idee argintie si mov 😀 Astazi m-am dedicat realizarii unor pleoape aurii cu putin glitter (ca dehh…daca nu il folosim de anul nou, atunci cand? :))) ) si buze rosii. Elegant, stralucitor, glamourous daca vreti, pentru cele care purtati rochii aurii, aramii, negre si de ce nu rosii… traditia spune ca noaptea dintre ani trebuie sa ne prinda cu ceva rosu la noi, daca nu rochia, macar lenjeria, ca sa incepem 2015 cu voie buna! Cate va mai tineti de obiceiul asta? 😀
Like I was telling you yesterday, I came back with a new step by step tutorial for a festive makeup. We’re getting nearer to 31 and it’s so much noise choosing the dress, hairstyle, touching up the nails etc. What about makeup? In my latest post I was suggesting you a silver and purple eye 😀 This post is entirelly dedicated to golden, glittery, sparkling lids  with red lips (When..?…if not on NYE?). Elegant, shiny, glamourous if you wish, for those of you who will wear gold, cooper, black and why not red dressed…. the anciants said that NYE should get uss with something red, if not the dress maybe the lingerie, to start well 2015. Who’s still observant?
Pasul 1:  Am pregatit tenul prin cei trei pasi (demachiere, tonifiere si hidratare) despre care v-am scris intr-o postare anterioara. 5 min pentru ca hidratantul sa intre in piele, dupa care am aplicat fondul de ten Lingerie de Peau nr 30 (beige) de la Guerlain. E o baza cu o consistenta lejera, usor de lucrat pe piele. Am pierdut ceva ore de somn in ultimul timp, asa ca anticearcanul e necesar…. Am ales Dior Nude Concealer pentru consistenta lui cremoasa si hidratanta (o optiune accesibila, la fel de valabila, extrem de asemanatoare ca si textura si acoperire e corectorul Fit Me de la Maybelline). Pentru fondul de ten de la Guerlain nu stiu sa va dau un inlocuitor din pacate, nu prea fac compromisuri cand e vorba de piele… 😀 Am lasat fondul de ten si anticearcanul sa se usuce (e recomandat 5 min inainte de aplicarea oricarui alt produs). Intre timp am machiat sprancenele cu o pensula oblica si un fard de sprancene Diego della Palma, dupa care am fixat totul cu rimmelul de sprancene Maybelline Brow Drama. Putin  fard de obraz piersiciu si trec la ochi. 🙂
Step 1: I prepared the skin with the 3 essential steps (cleanser, tonic and hydrating cream). Wait 5 min so the skin gets what’s necessary from the cream, and then apply foundation. I used Lingerie de Peau nr 30 (beige) from Guerlain. It’s a light weight consistency, easy to work with. I’ve lost some sleep lately, so the concealer is a must. I used Dior Nude Concealer which is creamy and hydrating (a cheaper option, so close as texture and cover is Fit me Concealer from Maybelline). Sorry I don’t know a dupe for Guerlain Foundation, I usually don’t make compromises when it’s about skin….:D Let everything dry (it’s recommended 5 minutes before layering anything else)! Meanwhile I’ve done the eyebrows using a browshadow from Diego dalla Palma and fixed everything with the Maybelline BrowDrama mascara. A little bit of a peachy blush and go for the eyes 🙂
Pasul 2:  Ca de obicei avem nevoie de un primer pentru ca fardurile sa reziste, sclipiciul sa adere si sa nu ne trezim cu el pe toata fata, considerand ca noaptea e lunga… Am folosit ELF Studio Prime & Seal, aplicat cu degetul inelar.
Step 2: As always, we need a primer, so that the shadows stay on, the glitter sticks and don’t fall all over the face, considering that the night is long…. I used Elf Studio Prime & Seal, applied with the finger tip.
Pasul 3: Cu o pensula creion (rotunda si ascutita la varf) si un fard bej mat marchez pliul ochiului, urcand putin peste. Am folosit Naked din Paleta Naked 1 de la Urban Decay, dar puteti sa inlocuiti produsele folosite de mine cu ceea ce aveti deja acasa, atata timp cat folositi un primer bun.
Step 3: With a pencil brush (rounded and pointed) and a beige shadow I contour the crease, going a little bit above. I used Naked from the Naked1 Palette from Urban Decay, but you can use whatever you have at home as long as you use a primer. 😉
Pasul 4: Cu o pensula cu varful plat (daca nu aveti una, cea oblica cu care conturati sprancenele va poate ajuta sa obtineti acelasi rezultat) si un fard maro- ciocolata (nuanta Lost de la Urban Decay) marchez cu o linie pliul ochilor si creez o forma V.
Step 4: With a flat top brush (if you don’t have one, an angled brush works too) and a chocolate-brown shadow (“Lost” from Urban Decay”) mark the socket line and create a V shape.
Pasul 5: Cu o pensula de blending rotunjita si mai compacta, uniformizez si blenduiesc maroul ciocolata in bejul mat aplicat anterior. Si daca nu ati fost tocmai precise in marcarea pliului, acesta e pasul in care puteti corecta prin blending.
Step 5: With a compact rounded point brush, blend the chocolate into the matte beige. If you weren’t precise on appling, this is the step where you can correct by blending.
Pasul 6: Cu aceeasi pensula plata si acelasi maro ciocolatiu marchez linia genelor inferioare
Step 6: With the same flat brush and the same chocolate shadow line the lower lash line.
Pasul 7: Cu o pensula plata din fibre sintetice umezita cu apa / apa termala / Fix Plus/ spray fixator de machiaj, aplic un fard auriu cu particule de sclipici pe pleoapa (Midnight Cowgirl de la Urban Decay) , din coltul intern pana la forma V. Tip: Atunci cand fardurile au sclipici aplicarea se face printr-o usoara presare a pensulei pe pleoapa, astfel incat sa nu cada glitter-ul sub ochi. De asemenea va puteti folosi de un servetel pe care sa il tineti cu cealalta mana sub ochi 😉 Odata cazut peste fondul de ten cam greu il mai stergeti fara sa va luati si baza. 😉
Step 7: With a wet flat synthetic brush apply a gold shimmery shadow (Midnight Cowgirl from Urban Decay) from the inner corner till the V shape. Tip: When using glittery shadows apply with an easy tappering movement on the lid, so the glitter doesn’t fall down. Also, by placing a towell under the eye area with the other hand, you avoid the falling glitter. Once it falls it will be hard to remove without touching the base and concealer.
Pasul 7: Cu aceeasi pensula umezita iau putin glitter pe o singura parte si il aplic peste fardul auriu, tot prin tapetare, putin cate putin, ajutandu-ma de un servetel 😀
Step 7: With the same wet brush take a little bit of glitter, only on one side of the brush and easely tap it onto the shadow, a little bit at once. 😀
Pasul 8: Eyeliner, mascara si gene false. Am folosit doar accente de gene false, adica doar jumatati de benzi pe partea exterioara a ochilor, care dau un efect de ochi migdalati, alungiti!
Step 8: Eyeliner, mascara and false lashes, I used only accents of false lashes, it means only half band on the outer corner of the eye, which give an almond eye effect!
Pasul 9: Pregatirea tenului am facut-o si descris-o in primul pas. In timpul machierii ochilor, fondul de ten s-a setat si uscat. Pudrati daca este cazul ( in functie de tipul de ten si de fondul de ten folosit) si nu uitati pe langa ruj,  sa luati o pudra si un corector cu voi in geanta pentru retusuri. 😉  Cu un fard iluminator si o pensula evantai (daca nu aveti una, o pensula pufoasa de blending o poate inlocui), atingeti usor partea superioara a pometilor, podul nasului, arcul buzei superioare si partea arcadei imediat sub spranceana pentru un efect de ten radios, odihnit, sprancene cu efect de lifting si o iluzie optica de buze mai pline. Tot ceea ce capteaza lumina, iese in evidenta. 😉
Step 9: I prepared the skin as I described it into the first step. While making the eyes, the foundation and concealer is setted and dried. If you feel like you still need to powder, do it and don’t forget to take a concealer and powder in your clutch too for touch-up. With an highlighting shadow and a fan brush (if you don’t have one, a big blending brush works too), illuminate the upper part of your cheek bones, the bridge of your nose, cupids bow and the brow arch for a radiant skin, lifted eyebrows and an optic fuller lip illusion. Everything that catches the light, stands out. 😉
Pasul 10: Buze rosii, nude sau orice alta culoare preferati! 😉 Mie imi place rosu…..creion contur si peste ruj!  😀 Si gata 😉 E mai usor sa va faceti frumoase cand e explicat? Nu uitati ca practica va duce in timp la manualitate si dexteritate! :*
Step 10: Red, nude or whatever else you prefer for the lips! 😉 I like red….so lip pencil all over the lips and then lipstick! 😀 And ready 😉 It’s easier when it’s explained, dolls? Don’t forget that practice is the key! :*
Lista produselor   /    products
Ten /  Skin
Fond de ten / Foundation : Lingerie de Peau nr 30 (beige) – Guerlain
Anticearcan / Concealer : Dior skin Nude nr 002 (beige)
Pudra / Powder: MAC Blot Compact Powder
Fard de obraz / Blush : Chanel Joue Contrast nr 15 (orchid rose)
Iluminator / Highlighter: Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess palette
Ochi /  Eyes
Fard sprancene / BrowShadow: Diego dalla Palma eyebrow kit designer nr 14
Mascara sprancene/ BrowMascara: Maybelline Brow Drama “dark brown”
Primer: ELF Studio Prime& seal
Shadows: Urban Decay Naked, Lost, Midnight Cowgirl
Sclipici / Glitter: MAC Gold
Tus / Eyeliner: L’oreal Super Liner Ultra Precision Black
Mascara: MAC In Extreme Dimension Black
Gene false / False lashes: Andrea Accent 315
Buze / Lips
Creion contur / Lip pencil: Max Factor nr 12 “fire”
Ruj / Lipstick: Guerlain KissKiss “insolence”
Kisses & hugs,
See you tomorrow!
❤ Mary


    • multumesc mult…<3 e o forma si o grosime la care am lucrat destul de mult ca sa o obtin (adica m-am abtinut de la penseta ceva timp :)))) cat despre imbracaminte…e o rochita din paiete mate, extrem de mulata si scurta, pe un singur umar in care n-am indraznit sa ma pozez intreaga….ca nah…ma acuza cititorii de senzualitati exagerate pe blog! ahahaha :)))
      te pup si iti doresc un an nou minunat, plin de satisfactii! :*


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